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Munshji's biography in Hindi has been written in three parts.This book is the Hindi edition of the Second book of Munshi : His Art and Work Series. The Hindi editions have been published by the Bhavan's Delhi Kendra.Read More
The book is written in simple style and appeals directly to the heart. It can serve as a guide for youngsters on how success in life can be achieved by sheer dint of hard work and grace of God.Read More
The book traces the life and times of an extraordinary administrator - Sir Thanjavur Madhava Row- who is the great-great grandfather of the author. Read More
In this book, Shri Roy has confined himself to reminiscing about Netaji, the man, as he knew him. Read More
This is the biography of an Indian who became an international authority on Library Science and Library Movement and was the Father of Library Science. He invented tools to store information. His ideas address the very foundations of the business of effective information storage and retrieval. He spread the concept of public libraries even in remote villages. Ranganathan's personal life is a synthesis between Indian culture and modern scienceRead More
This is an autobiography of the Chief Justice of India. He begins by tracing his ancestry some four generations earlier. The family belonged to a highly moral and scholarly one where Marathi and Kannada intertwined. His childhood was happy as he had a lot of brothers and sisters. His early schooling, then college, marriage and then his rise to greatness has been told in a simple and interesting manner. He says he has not kept any letters, correspondence or newspaper cuttings and all that he has written has been written from memory.Read More
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